Online Home Loan Calculator

Loan amount thousand(s)

Annual interest rate %

Term of Loans

First repayment to commence on

Number of Payment per Year

Display monthly repayment schedule? No Yes

Amount to be paid

Advanced Options

You can change the terms of your loan up to five times. Each time, you can change the interest rate, the regular repayment, make a one-off payment, or any combination of these. Enter values in the fields you want to change or leave the others blank.

For example, to change your repayment to $250 and make a one-off payment of $5000 at the end of the second payment of your loan, enter a row with "2" for Payment #, "250" for Regular Repayment and "5000" for One-Off Payment.

Pmnt# Change
interest rate
regular repayment
one-off payment
% $ $
% $ $
% $ $
% $ $
% $ $


I've tried to make this calculation match what a bank would actually do, but I can't guarantee it. Whatever you do, check with a bank as well!